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Peter Callan


Brow lift, upper face lift, browlift, eyebrow lift, lifted eyebrows
"Browlift is an operation that opens up the eyes and smoothes the forehead, and sometimes doesn't lift the brows much at all" Peter Callan

Brow lift, or upper face lift

A brow lift, or upper face lift, lifts sagging brows and upper eyelids. Surgery is done in a number of different ways. No hair is shaved or lost.

A brow lift does not mean pulling the brow tight or moving the eyebrows up (unless that is required). Most people will not know you have had it done.

A brow lift is often (but not always) done in conjunction with a blepharoplasty and occasionally a face lift. Most patients with sagging or excess skin in the eyelids need eyelid surgery not a brow lift. Brow lift is reserved for those whose brows are excessively low or where horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are troublesome to the extent that they are necessary to hold the brows up. A well performed brow lift will not be noticeable.

Your operation

Dr Callan performs all his surgery in state of the art facilities at St John of God Hospital in Geelong.

A brow lift involves an overnight stay.  Discomfort is minimal but you will be given medication to keep you comfortable.

A brow lift is done via inconspicuous incisions placed in the hairline usually, but occasionally in front of the hairline to reduce the height of a high forehead. The facial tissues are then tightened and the skin replaced in a more elevated, position.

It may be accompanied by eyelid surgery and a face lift.

Your Results

Move central slider right and left to see brow lift and blepharoplasty as a combined procedure. Individual results will vary.

Browlift and blepharoplasty are closely related and often happen together.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you are welcome to seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified specialist.

Your recovery

Recovery time varies but, on average, it is about three weeks.  After two weeks most people look fairly good but may still be a little swollen.

As a rule, the incision lines are inconspicuous. The forehead skin may be a little numb for six to twelve months.

Your consultation

The procedure will be discussed in more detail during your consultation with Dr Callan.  You will have the opportunity ask questions and talk through your reasons for surgery and the expectations you have about the result.  The operation and any risks associated with surgery will also be discussed. No hair is shaved or lost.

You may also like to see other photographs of people who have had the type of blepharoplasty or browlift surgery you may be suitable for. Note that our gallery is only of our patients who consent to their photographs being shown (for which we are exceedingly grateful).



Your surgeon

Brow lift surgery is one of Dr Callan’s focus areas.  With over 25 years’ experience in the field, Dr Callan performs the procedure to the highest standards and has a reputation for results.

As an expert in the field, Dr Callan is in the best position to properly assess and discuss your concerns and expectations.  Dr Callan is a former president of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and a member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Committed to remaining at the forefront of advancements and innovation in his field, Dr Callan is a prominent figure and regular speaker at national and international conferences.

Dr Callan’s focus areas also include rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, face lift and breast surgery.

Dr Peter Callan

Dr Callan was trained by some of Australia’s finest plastic surgeons before further study in Britain, Canada and the United States. He is on the faculty of the Triennial Masters’ Symposium on Blepharoplasty and Facial Rejuvenation, and is Director of Dissection for the Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course, one of the most prestigious face lift anatomy courses in the world.

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